
Chinese medical theory explains that health is the harmonious flow of the life force, or energy, known as Qi. Balanced and free-flowing Qi creates health and well-being, whereas blocked or stagnant Qi causes illness, pain, and disease. Acupuncture involves stimulating various points on the body using tiny sterile needles and warming herbs to help regulate the smooth flow of Qi, re-awakening the... Read More

Chinese medical theory explains that health is the harmonious flow of the life force, or energy, known as Qi. Balanced and free-flowing Qi creates health and well-being, whereas blocked or stagnant Qi causes illness, pain, and disease. Acupuncture involves stimulating various points on the body using tiny sterile needles and warming herbs to help regulate the smooth flow of Qi, re-awakening the body's natural ability to heal and regulate itself. Acupuncture has the ability to address both acute and chronic conditions that affect the mental, emotional, and physical aspects of an individual. It can also help support the maintenance of general immunity and overall health.

Sheila Perkinson is a licensed acupuncturist in the state of Maryland. She received her Master of Acupuncture from the Maryland University of Integrative Health in Laurel, MD, where she studied the Five Element teachings of J.R. Worsley, as well as the concepts and philosophies of Traditional Chinese Medicine. In addition to running her private practice, Sheila is the acupuncturist at the Wellness and Support Center at the University of Maryland, St. Joseph Medical Center in Towson.

Sheila Perkinson is a licensed acupuncturist in the state of Maryland. She received her Master of... Read More

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